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How to Host Initials Game Live

So you want to be an Initials Game Live host? Great choice! This guide, and the pages that follow, will outline everything you'll need to know to become a successful IGL host. 

Before You Arrive


First, your pregame checklist

  • On the day of your event, double-check the location, travel time, and event time. You are expected to arrive on-site at least 20 minutes prior to the game's start time. 
  • Make sure you have a stack of IGL instruction cards (pictured at left). These cards help your teams/players navigate to the game website ( and create an account. They include a space to write down your game's join code. Make sure you bring a Sharpie to jot down this four-digit code on each card you hand out. (Note: These cards are glossy, so ballpoint pens won't work.)  
  • Bring the tablet/phone/device you will use to run the game. Make sure it is fully charged. Even if it is, bring an extra charging cable. You will need to plug this device into a sound system; Apple users should keep a dongle handy. 
  • If you are unfamiliar with the sound system at your venue or other venue-specific particulars, please review the venue's ICOE document
  • If you are DJing music between rounds, make sure you have a playlist ready to go.  

If you do not have any app instruction cards or you're running low, reach out to Chuck ( or Sam ( right away to get more. You can also order more when you fill out your host feedback. 

Set-Up & Pre-Game

Hosts are required to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to game time. This ensures plenty of time to get set up and start spreading the word among the customers that Initials Game Live is about to happen. If you suspect your crowd is unfamiliar with this game, give yourself extra time so you can introduce the game to as many people as possible prior to starting. There's plenty to do between your arrival and when you hit "Start" on the app!

You've arrived — now what?

  1. Connect with the site contact (usually a manager or bartender). Introduce yourself (if you haven't already) and confirm where you should set up shop. 
  2. Ask for the three prizes (usually $20 gift cards) that you'll being giving away during the course of the game. If your site provides additional prizes (free beer tokens, merchandise, etc.), get that as well.
  3. Plug your device into the house sound system or PA. Remember: This game has an audio component, so you'll need to make sure your device can play audio through the room's speakers. 
  4. Make sure you're connected to the internet
  5. Pull up a playlist (if you're DJing music between rounds) and start playing music. Test your audio levels. Test the microphone. (Tip for iPad users who need to use Spotify and a browser at the same time: Use split screen!)  
  6. Pull up a browser window on your device and head to Click "Host" and select your venue, then hit Create a New Game. If you are unfamiliar with how this app works, make sure you've read the app instructions
  7. Once you've created a new game, you will be shown that game's join code. Write this code down on about a dozen IGL instruction cards, and begin handing them out to patrons. If players are unfamiliar with the game, let them know how it works, ensuring that it's extremely fun for people of all skill levels. Remind them that it is free to play, and there are prizes for the winners. See below for an example pre-game script. 
  8. Ten minutes before game time, jump on the mic and let everyone know that Initials Game Live will be starting in 10 minutes, and invite curious players to come to you with any questions they may have about the game. Give another announcement five minutes before game time as well. Do one more pass through the room to catch any late stragglers or hesitant players who decided to give it a try. 
  9. Game time: Hit Start the Game

You're ready to begin! 

Run of Show 

Morbi tincidunt felis in felis accumsan, sed volutpat enim viverra. Proin a nunc sapien. Nullam egestas eros sit amet tellus semper, ac pharetra est tincidunt. Etiam eget nisl nulla. Integer tempor augue vitae elit ultricies venenatis. Sed pretium quis purus vitae vestibulum. Fusce nec bibendum orci. Donec rhoncus dolor sit amet justo ullamcorper pellentesque.

Example Scripts

Aenean euismod scelerisque tellus eget feugiat. Donec tincidunt dictum urna, id faucibus nulla fermentum eu. Fusce sed blandit nulla. Proin vitae risus aliquet, lobortis neque non, venenatis ipsum. Morbi fermentum pellentesque tempus. Proin sagittis magna ex, sed ornare mauris cursus nec. Sed tincidunt, libero sollicitudin hendrerit fringilla, tortor nulla blandit ante, sed gravida purus mi eu eros.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec venenatis interdum metus vitae laoreet. Curabitur maximus iaculis lacus quis tempor. Fusce nec placerat mauris. Mauris convallis sodales arcu. Vivamus vel ipsum volutpat, tincidunt magna non, vulputate ante. Phasellus iaculis odio erat, eu ultricies nulla luctus ut. Sed volutpat dui nec porta dictum.

Running the Game

Aenean euismod scelerisque tellus eget feugiat. Donec tincidunt dictum urna, id faucibus nulla fermentum eu. Fusce sed blandit nulla. Proin vitae risus aliquet, lobortis neque non, venenatis ipsum. Morbi fermentum pellentesque tempus. Proin sagittis magna ex, sed ornare mauris cursus nec. Sed tincidunt, libero sollicitudin hendrerit fringilla, tortor nulla blandit ante, sed gravida purus mi eu eros.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec venenatis interdum metus vitae laoreet. Curabitur maximus iaculis lacus quis tempor. Fusce nec placerat mauris. Mauris convallis sodales arcu. Vivamus vel ipsum volutpat, tincidunt magna non, vulputate ante. Phasellus iaculis odio erat, eu ultricies nulla luctus ut. Sed volutpat dui nec porta dictum.

Aenean euismod scelerisque tellus eget feugiat. Donec tincidunt dictum urna, id faucibus nulla fermentum eu. Fusce sed blandit nulla. Proin vitae risus aliquet, lobortis neque non, venenatis ipsum. Morbi fermentum pellentesque tempus. Proin sagittis magna ex, sed ornare mauris cursus nec. Sed tincidunt, libero sollicitudin hendrerit fringilla, tortor nulla blandit ante, sed gravida purus mi eu eros.

End of Game & Prizes

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec venenatis interdum metus vitae laoreet. Curabitur maximus iaculis lacus quis tempor. Fusce nec placerat mauris. Mauris convallis sodales arcu. Vivamus vel ipsum volutpat, tincidunt magna non, vulputate ante. Phasellus iaculis odio erat, eu ultricies nulla luctus ut. Sed volutpat dui nec porta dictum.

Not Done Yet! The Host Feedback Form

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec venenatis interdum metus vitae laoreet. Curabitur maximus iaculis lacus quis tempor. Fusce nec placerat mauris. Mauris convallis sodales arcu. Vivamus vel ipsum volutpat, tincidunt magna non, vulputate ante. Phasellus iaculis odio erat, eu ultricies nulla luctus ut. Sed volutpat dui nec porta dictum.

Next: The Initials Game Live App >