Conducting Host Interviews
Host interviews should take about 30-45 minutes, and can be scheduled on Google Meet or Zoom.
- Usually best to save template as a copy and title with the name of the candidate and date of interview.
- Save to shared interviews folder in Google Drive.
- Jot down any overall thoughts in the Interview Notes section on the applicant's profile in Staff Master on Air Table
- Enter interview date in the applicant's profile
- Select how you felt about the interview from the drop down menu
Green, Yellow, and Red Flags when Interviewing:
- Green Flags (Have proven to be attributes of hosts who have done well and stayed with the company for awhile)
- Has played trivia before. Bonus points if they have played Trivia Mafia trivia or IGL with us specifically
- Relevant public speaking/ presentation experience
- Experience with A/V systems and troubleshooting
- Have good, thought out answers to the situational questions suggesting good instincts or the ability/ care to problem solve
- Flexible or really reliable schedule for when they could host
- Flexible or really clear on where they are able to host
- Interested in the idea of subbing, theme nights, private events or training
- Yellow Flags (proceed with some caution)
- Schedule that isn't very flexible or reliable from week to week
- Say they are ok with driving a certain distance but the site we have in mind is really pushing that to the limit or is over their desired distance
- Very specific about the location they get or the kind of place they are looking to host at
- Not a ton of experience with A/V but express they are quick to learn
- Red Flags (have proven to be difficult obstacles to overcome for hosts)
- Driving times that are 30 minutes + from them, especially in more remote locations
- Very inflexible/unreliable schedule or it sounds like major life changes are on the horizon (new jobs, moves, family milestones)
- Never played trivia of any kind anywhere
- Poorly thought out answers to situational questions that seem overly harsh, overly lax or just seem generally confused by what's being asked.
Explaining "next steps" for candidates
- If we have quite a few we are interviewing for one spot I tell them approximately when I will wrap up interviews so they have an idea of when they may hear back. Always encourage them to reach out in the meantime if questions come up for them.
- If we only have one person interviewing for a location, I still tell them that I'd like to touch base with my team to discuss and then I'll be back in touch with them in a business day or two. Oddly we've found that offering in the interview takes them a bit by surprise and sometimes they say yes before really thinking the opportunity through.