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How Do I Pronounce This?

The Official Trivia Mafia Pronunciation Guide for Words We Use a Lot

Thank you for caring about saying words right. This document contains words we use frequently (as opposed to one-off words) that we’ve heard hosts have a hard time with. Have an idea that should be added? Email Senior Editor Ruby

Entries are in the following format:
word (link goes to an audio pronunciation): pronunciation guide /International Phonetic Alphabet guide/, (additional explanation of pronunciation) definition

Common words

archipelago: ark-ih-PEL-ah-go ​​/ˌɑɹkɪˈpɛləˌɡoʊ/, a chain of islands

archipelagic: ark-ih-puh-LAH-djik /ɑɹkɪpəˈlædʒɪk/, of or relating to a chain of islands

biopic: BY-oh-pik /ˈbaɪ.əʊ.pɪk/, (like “bio” and “pic” put together), a biographical film
Wiktionary says by-AP-ik is “nonstandard” but listed in some places; you go ahead and say it that way if you want

colonel: KER-nul /ˈkɝnəl/, a military rank below a general

couture: kuh-TOOR /kuˈtʊər/, fashion designers and the high-end clothes they make

coxswain: KOK-sihn / ˈkɒk sən / (like “cocks sin” if you said it fast), the athlete who steers a racing shell

titular: TICH-uh-ler /ˈtɪtʃələr/ or TIT-yuh-ler /ˈtɪtyələr/, of or relating to the title of something, usually the character after whom a work is named (“the titular character”)

posthumous: PAWS-chew-mus /ˈpɒs.tʃʊ.məs/, after death, usually referring to a work published after the author’s death


Janelle Monáe: juh-ENL moh-NAY, /dʒəˈnɛl moʊˈneɪ/, singer songwriter of “The Electric Lady” and “Dirty Computer”

Kamala Harris: KAH-muh-luh, /kɑːmələ/ (like “COMMA-lah” – her stepkids call her “mom-ala” if that helps you) the 49th Vice President of the United States

Kamala Khan: kuh-MAH-luh, /kəˈmɑːlə/ Ms. Marvel from the Marvel comics/MCU

Keanu Reeves: kee-AH-noo reevz, /keɪˈɑːnuː rivs/ Neo from “The Matrix,” John Wick from “John Wick,” et cetera 

Madeleine L’Engle: LEHNG-gul, /ˈlɛŋɡəl/, author of “A Wrinkle in Time”

Marquis de Sade: mar-KEE duh SAHD, /marki də sad/, French writer famous for his libertine sexuality (see also Sade, the singer)

Megan Rapinoe: ruh-PEE-noh /rəˈpiːnoʊ/, Captain of the US National Women’s Soccer Team

Nicki (Onika) Minaj: NIH-kee (oh-NEE-kah) min-AZH, /’nɪki: oʊ’ni:kɑ mɪˈnɑːʒ/, Rapper, songwriter, Queen Radio host

Nguyen: WIN /wɪn/ or NOO-yen /nuːˈjɛn/ (you can read more about different pronunciations here; please feel free to say it correctly if your Vietnamese is good!) The most common surname in Vietnam

Sade: SHAH-day [ʃɑːˈdeɪ], a Nigerian-British singer, a smooth operator (see also Marquis de Sade)

Sia: SEE-uh [si:ə] an Australian singer songwriter

W.E.B. DuBois: double you ee bee doo-BOIS, ​​/djuːˈbɔɪs/ Sociologist, founder of the NAACP


Atari: uh-TAR-ee, /əˈtɑːˌɹi/ (middle syllable rhymes with “star”), a video game company

Carnegie: kar-NEH-ghee, /kɑːrˈnɛɡi/ is closer to the original Scots pronunciation and preferred by Carnegie Corporation and Carnegie Mellon; many English-speakers say KAR-nuh-ghee /ˈkɑːrnəɡi/; you can’t really go wrong with either. (Carnegie Hall more frequently uses the second pronunciation, but seriously, either is fine.) The Carnegie family were industrialists, lots of things are named after them, Andrew is probably the most famous one. 

Duquesne University: doo-KAIN /duːˈkeɪn/ a school in Pittsburgh
Dufresne (as in Andy Dufrense from “Shawshank Redemption” follows the same pattern; doo-FRAIN)

Jägermeister: YAY-ger-my-ster /ˈjeɪɡərmaɪstər/, a German aperitif 

Reuters: ROY-terz /ˈrɔɪtərz/, a news agency


Côte d’Ivoire: KOHT dih VWAR, /ˌkoʊt diˈvwɑɹ/, the French name of the Ivory Coast

Mojave: moh-HAH-vee, /moʊˈhɑːvi/, a people from the Southwestern United States and the places named after them

Sioux City: SOO /su:/ A city in Iowa
Same pronunciation for Sioux Falls, South Dakota 

All Caps – Do I Say The Letters??

ABBA: AB-uh, not ay bee bee ay, '70s Swedish pop band

A$AP Rocky: AY-sap, not ay ess ay pee, rapper 

H.E.R.: HER, not aitch ee ar, current guitarist

GZA: GIZ-uh, not gee zee ay

NAACP: en double-ay see pee, not NAK-puh 

RZA: RIZ-uh, not ar zee ay

Sports Leagues: say the letters in general! MLB = em el bee, NBA = en bee ay, NCAA = en see double-ay or en see ay ay, etc