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What if the site tells me they want to cancel a game/make a schedule change?

The host is the reporter-on-the-scene - but all you have to do is report back. Include the info in your Host Feedback, and/or send an email or Slack message to the Host Manager to pass along to the correct person. 

We ask sites to give us 48 hours notice for any regular game cancellation (save for a site emergency or inclement weather), and when they fill in the cancellation form it automatically sends an email to the regular host to notify them! 

Sidenote: Our staff are allowed to use PTO at any time for any reason, but it's very common for hosts to use those banked hours to cover a cancelled shift! Just email with the date and your request, and 2.8 hours (or your full balance, if less than that) will be applied to the corresponding payroll. 

We ask for at least 15 days notice if a site wants to change their schedule (i.e. start an hour earlier during the winter, move the game to a different day of the week, etc.), and they must work with the Sales & Account Director or their account person to put the gears in motion! We will alert the host, update their marketing assets and our internal database, and post on socials ahead of any change.  

It is not the host's responsibility to manage a site's schedule, but we do appreciate getting updates if they are talking to you directly about things. 

If you show up to work and the location is closed, or if they tell you after you arrive that they don't want to run trivia (because they have something else going, or there aren't enough players), you will still get paid, and the site will still be charged.